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Prof. Maes

Bert U.W. Maes obtained his PhD in Organic Chemistry at UAntwerp (2001) and subsequently received a Post-Doctoral Fellowship of the Research Foundation – Flanders in Belgium (FWO - Flanders). He worked at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) in Budapest (G. Hajós) studying heterocyclic chemistry, and at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris (A. Jutand) investigating reaction mechanisms in homogeneous Pd catalysis. In 2003 Maes was appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at UAntwerp. Maes is spokesman of the ORSY division since 2008. Currently, he is a Full Professor and spokesman of the Excellence Center Catalysis for Sustainable Organic Chemistry (CASCH) of UAntwerp.  In 2019 he was awarded a Collen-Francqui Research Professorship by the Francqui Foundation. Maes is a member of the Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium (BOSS) and the European Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry (ECHC) conference committees. Since 2024 he is a Belgian representative in the EuChemS division of Green and Sustainable Chemistry and an UAntwerp representative in the section Organic & Bioorganic Chemistry of the Royal Flemish Chemical Society (KVCV). His research interests cover the fields of organic synthesis, heterocyclic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, catalysis, renewables and sustainable chemistry. Maes is an editor of Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry and an editorial advisory board member of SynOpen, Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry and ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.

Maes is an author of over 200 peer-reviewed papers receiving over 8800 citations (WoS). His H-index is 54 (Google Scholar)/50 (WoS).

Check all prof. Maes' current research topics here!


Prof. Maes teaches multiple courses at the Bachelor- and Master level in different study programmes. 

Next to this, his group hosts students working on their Bachelor and Master thesis under supervision of a PhD student or postdoctoral researcher.


Organic chemistry II


Bachelor of Chemistry

Bachelor of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Organic chemistry II


Bachelor of Bioscience Engineering

Heterocyclic chemistry


Bachelor of Chemistry

Practical organic synthesis


Bachelor of Chemistry

Capita Selecta Organic Chemistry, Incl. Practical


Master of Chemistry

Master of Teaching in Science and Technology: Chemistry

Master of Teaching in Science and Technology: STEM

Exchange courses Sciences